Platonic Elements

In my strange journey though the internet, I came across something of unusual interest called the “Platonic solids,” which are five symmetrical three-dimensional shapes. They’re collectively named after Greek philosopher, Plato, though the shapes were well known long before hand.

But to the point, Plato had a thought of attributing the four classical elements to the different shapes. Rather strange, the man was, yet it was a concept that I really liked, and it inspired me to make the shapes into their respective elements.

The fire element is represented by the tetrahedra, as fire has a rather sharp pain if touched. Sharp like the shape it represents.

Earth is represented by the hexahedron (aka a cube), being rather solid, and tightly packed like soil. (Apparently Plato foretold Minecraft 2,371-ish years before it was released.)

Air is represented by the octahedron, since it’s rather smooth and looked aerodynamic.

Water is represented by the icosahedra, being the most spherical of the shapes, kinda representing a droplet.

And finally, the dodecahedron was originally meant to represent the universe. Though Aristotle kinda hijacked the shape to represent æther. which I liked better, no offense to Plato.
