good work.
specially cloth and metal texturing(yet though, over that GREAT hand painted from scratch texture work, you could mix in mutliply mode some partially deleted semitransparent texture layers of dirt, leather, cloth, visit, or better: use ur digital camera).Maybe the cheek bone shadow is a bit strong, and too colored giving a subtle feel of make up.
Maybe chin is too small, try putting mouth and nose (so making nose a bit shorter) a bit more up. That would make chin bigger-longer. I say as head seems in good proportions, and mouth seems too low positioned.
It could go as it ise. I just saw a bit of room to improvement, like I use to see with my own models 
Export animation? yep. In several flavours. Which engine u use?
md5 format from der_ton is a good chance. If u use Max, or your team members do, u can export as md5, provdide them der_ton’s importer (I think was already available) for md5, so they load in Max. And Max export to any game format out there.
I think there’s no md5 importer for Maya. Neither x importer. But it has appeared an x importer for Max, the page is in Japanese…
but plugin in english, I think.
Blender can export in x animated format, check Ben or Jox pages.
I have tested both to work well. Allways use last versions.
md5, md3 (also tested, works ok as single piece morphing model) , md2 (tested) , cal3d…I doubt u had a problem. Most engines can load this, unless is for a mod. If it’s for a mod, I doubt they don’t have the possibility of importing in max and exporting from there, most mods do. Maya weights and bones import is the problem.
Perhaps only for maya is FBX import. But then again, no free tool exporting bones and weight in fbx (I only know wings fbx export, but is static)
Overall it seems is going to make a great game character, and looks higher res think than it is, also for good non distorted texturing.