Please enable the ActivityPub plugin

ActivityPub is used by Mastodon, Lemmy, Pixelfed, and Peertube (which is used by the official blender team) and it would be great if BlenderArtists enabled the plugin available in the forum software it uses so posts can appear across these other apps\websites. Here is a more indepth explanation and how it can be enabled

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It seems rather complicated to set up, and we don’t really have the time or resources for complicated development. How about this- we currently have 32 supporters on Patreon, which is not enough to cover the existing site costs fully. If we can get up to 45 Patreons, we’ll add this. @bartv , how does that sound?

I don’t want my forum posts being fed to other social media platforms.


This might be not an so “easily” accomplishable one single user request (!/?).

It seems to be some feature to make an official “ActivityPub Actor” publish its posts accross other sites… for example for announcements ?? Or… more ???

Some thoughts:

  • What’s the benefit of this additional work ?
  • Would this also re-posts/re-announce from other sites into some special category here ?
  • Does this attract more spam ? (And so work for the crew and annoyance for the users ?)
  • Does this attract more users who “only post images” without any backstory, hint or technical tips ? There are other types of platforms for this i-have-done-this–images Me personally consider this nonessential.
  • Does/should this “advertise/publish” users content (even if added here by TOS3 and also publicity viewable here on BA) automatically or only those announcements mentioned above?
    For example: If it does, then can(/have) users mark their future/past posts as redistributable/non-redistributable (could see something about this in the AP docs yet…). It’s something different if “some other site” (for example or BlenderNation ) reports about some posts from public sites when real people do some journalistic articles.

And yes… if this site had some more penniesby not using their users content to do so… and they properly wil not. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So i’m not against this… but as said in the first sentence: this might be more work and things to consider as it does look like in the first place. This site can’t afford to affront their users like some multi million companies does every day… but they seem to not care anyway ( both: the company and most of their users…).

So… public invoke (?) :

Give BA some of your pennies :coin: :wink:

It’s cent here.
They properly also wil take them too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Agree, absolutely. What happens in BA stays in BA…


This is interesting, but not something I think I can prioritize right now. I also don’t know the server impact this would have (it could potentially be big?), so this would require a lot of preparation and not ‘just installing a plugin’.

This is already not true for the Featured row images that get reshared on social media :slight_smile: But from what I see this not so much about publishing to another network as it is being able to follow content from other platforms/apps.


Of course, I was only referring to our embarrassing posts, especially the ones about cheese :grimacing: using a transposition of “The Hangover” motto :grin:

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