Please Help make use properties window shortcut in 3Dviewport window please

hi i want have fast workflow so i always dreamed have shortcuts to switch fast between propertie windows for example 1 for material, 2 for Modifiers and etc… and all this in 3D view.
so i right click on propertie context MATERIAL tab and assign shortcut for example 1, but if i press 1 then i get menu open and still need to choose. so i figured out i need to change shortcut code from wm.context_menu_enum to wm.context_toggle_enum, it looks like this:

the problem now is that it only works if mouse cursor is on propertie window.
but i need it to use from everywhere. if i use it in 3Dview then i get this error:

please help me to do it someone

I am at the same position like mushroomeo at the moment - so I have to ask, do you or everybody else have a solution for this traceback ?

and those change from wm.context_menu_enum to wm.context_toggle_enum is a great addition exactly what I was missing, where do you found this ?
