Please help me: Baking hair and a new computer

Hi. I am a somewhat new blender user and I’ve started learning how to create hair in blender. I put an animation on my OC and created a simple bang hairstyle. I started rendering it yesterday afternoon at about 9pm and now at about 1:30pm today, it is still rendering at only 50% completed. I dont know if this is because of my graphics card or my computer. I am looking to buy a good laptop. What laptop would be best for rendering, baking, and viewing the animations? Thank you

Welcome to BA :slight_smile:
Before buying a new laptop, it might be worth looking at your file to see if it can be optimized. Can you share your file?

as a .blend file?

Yeah, that would be helpful :slight_smile:

Welcome :tada:

First things first: for example you had backed any simulation before rendering… and had a look at the settings ( like for example rendering more instances than shown in the viewport… ) and had a test render of one frame or a tenth of the full animation… and the animation without hair needs how long to render ?

it says new users cannot post files. sorry

baking takes even longer then rendering.

Baking any simulation will “store” it so that it doesn’t have to be recomputed again for every render… using just frames * (stored frame data read time + frame render time) if not then it will be computed again for any render… so the overal time sums up by frames * ( frame simulation time + frame render time)

That’s the reason/advantage why this is done…

how long should it take for 3000 frames?

This… of course depends on soo many variables…