Please help me with my DONUT TUTORIAL!

Like lots of you guys, i am using donut tutorial as “hello world” to Blender.

I used geometry nodes to built random sprinkles.

Now, I am facing a problem.

My sprinkles are overlapping each others. How can i make them detect each other and perfectly sit on top each others?


Zoom out far enough that you don’t notice. :+1:


Seriously, bro? hahaha

Hi Henly,
this isn’t possible without a way more complicated setup than the one you are building with the Donut tutorial.
I haven’t done the newer tutorials with Geometry Nodes but i think you probably used a Distribute Points on Faces node to create the points, right?

If you set the method to Poisson Disk you can play around with the Distance Min value to get rid of some of the intersections. This way, the points won’t get closer than this threshold → but you will also loose the dense distribution of the sprinkles.

I would stick to @zeroskilz advise - you won’t get a perfect placement of the sprinkles with just the Blender Guru tutorial.


Yes, distance min can’t solve my problem. And yeah lots of people want me to ignore the problem for now cuz it has no beginner friendly way to fix my problem. Well, thank you anyways. Love from blender community.

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A fairly simple way would be to set the position of sprinkles using a texture.

E.g. here

If you use an image with very small white dots you can set the density such that each instance will align with the white dots. You could even use blender to generate a black and white texture for you. Position the camera above it and view>viewport render image.