Please help with a problem with bevelling

after i tried to bevel

If you want to bevel the bottom corner, just bevel an edge.



If selecting one edge doesn’t fix your problem, check your object’s scale. If it’s not 1:1:1, trying applying scale to your model in object mode, then beveling again.

Same cube, same bevel. The green cube hasn’t had scale applied, the blue one has.


tried that, didn’t work

i did that tho, the image is the aftermath

Duplicated edge there, use merge by distance…


it’s the aftermath of the bevel

There must be something wrong with the geo for bevel to behave that way.

Try G_De’s and MichaelBenDavid’s suggestions (apply scale of the object in object mode and “select all - m - merge by distance” in edit mode), before you do the bevel.

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Welcome :tada:…

it’s always a good idea to show also the initial state… and maybe also the done selection so that someone may see what you tried… we just coudl guess wildly…

( just for exampe the polygon in the back is an n-gon… so 2 )