Please, please stop flaming so freakin much. :(

People in this subforum have slightly. . .umm. . .inpolite. Sometimes it seems that people are being. . .unfairly. . .verbally abusive of a certain. . .uh, someone.

Just because this certain someone is sometimes an idiot at times doesn’t mean that everyone should go down to a really low level and chew him up and spit him out. So please. Be nice.

Man, I’m going to regret this tomorrow.


you’ve seen the finished project sub forum? It’s over kind - somthing need to balance it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Must control… my… emotions… and … argh … anger… :x

Just because this certain someone is sometimes an idiot at times doesn’t mean that everyone should go down to a really low level and chew him up and spit him out. So please. Be nice.

Well, offcourse you’re right (I think). But sometimes it’s really hard… really, really hard.


i would do the same in real life to someone who is repetetively idiotic.

they need to think about what they are saying before they say it. Just because we can’t see you doen’t mean that we aren’t real people who don’t like listening to (or reading) crap that wastes our time.

hm…yes we’ve got some ppl like that here elysiun… and I got my hands dirty in some crappy threads too …

i would do the same in real life to someone who is repetetively idiotic.

I doubt you’d do that to everybody wich you disagree with sam … the point is just the opposite of what you said… yes this is internet and we are real ppl behind the compus… but you cannot see who is on the other side and you never know … isn’t that a scary thought ? If you say no… then think ahout it again… it should be …

we aren’t real people who don’t like listening to (or reading) crap that wastes our time.

The nice thing is that you van choose not to read or listen to anything…

There has been a lot of flaming recently, and yet it seems like it all turns to republicans vs democrats or something else political :expressionless:

The three rules of public forums:

  • Never discuss politics, especially LOCAL (as in everyone is in the same nation) politics where people have personal stakes in it.
  • Never discuss anything at all relating to sexual morality.
  • Never discuss the intricacies of religion, or religion at all for that matter.

And I know, we’ve all (myself included) violated those rules. . .


If people would stay rational, these rules would be useless. Either way, I don’t think they apply here.


I’ve got a problem with this. Not at good decent people, but just idiots and trolls. But it’s hard not too! (that’s really no excuse, I know)

I really have to admire you theeth, you’re far too calm at times.

  • Never discuss the intricacies of religion, or religion at all for that matter.

This includes atheism, and software/hardware (they’ve nothing to do with each other, just examples).

That’s just part of what I am. I think people will learn much more by solving their problems between themselves than by being coerced in doing so. Though that does not mean I disregard coercion as a usable method. By far.

Also, being calm doesn’t disable me from making snide remarks, low shots and the like. I’ve learn with time that these are much more likely to hit if said in a logical and calm way. <insert smiling devil smily here>

That’s a side of me you don’t often see in here though.


That’s a side of me you don’t often see in here though.

I’ve seen that side of you on freenode a couple of times. Had me rollin’ all over the place.

/me looks for the smiling devil…

Who made up those rules? The material you say should never be discussed is discussed for the reason of airing peoples’ views. That is what discussion is almost always for. It’s understandable that people will occasionally get angered by it but that happens in real life discussions too. If we stop talking about things that make people emotional, we won’t get to know people or more about why they feel the way they do.

The addition that Dittohead made about hardware/software: if we didn’t discuss that, how would you know what the problems/advantages of certain setups were without finding out the hard way? Same with the other stuff.

I’m getting a bit bored of this constant hatred of ‘spam’ and of topics that dictate what people should and should not talk about. When you sit down and your grandparents yak on about the war or how the old times were, do you yell SPAM or say you shouldn’t discuss it?

If you don’t like a discussion, then don’t join in. Oh wait, I don’t like this discussion and… noooooo, damn irony. Well, I’m here now so I’ll say this, I believe the person you are referring to is… well for anonymity’s sake (I see no one else has named him), let’s call him Dorothy14. It’s true there have been a lot of things said about him and I even find myself defending him sometimes because to me he really just wants to be loved (by a man probably - j/k ;)). But he does act like an idiot more than most and people are getting tired of it. We all step out of line sometimes and make someone angry but he does it every single day.

Such habitual behaviour sticks and becomes your trait. If he wanted to be loveable, he’s had plenty of opportunity and plenty of advice on how to post so as not to be slated regularly. He has chosen not to follow said advice %| . Thus I guess people will continue.

I really should think harder about how I express myself online. I’m extremely calm in RL and yet on the web it seems that a lot of the things I say seem way harsher than intended (though some are as harsh as intended, because one of my pet peeves is listening to ignorant people scream their point of view).

I thought that the key was to ditch the sarcasm, but it’s probably also necessary to sugar-coat what I say rather than being blunt, which I don’t like. So, I guess the point is that people are going to fight because you’re constantly going to have misinterpretations and people like me who seem way harsher than they intended. It’s the way of the web. There is no way to judge a persons seriousness in a post, whether they’re sarcastic, or if they’re joking, unless they use smilies a lot (which is kind of annoying when overdone). Maybe if everyone just lightened up but continued with the flames? Light-hearted flames?

The three rules of public forums:

  • Never discuss politics, especially LOCAL (as in everyone is in the same nation) politics where people have personal stakes in it.
  • Never discuss anything at all relating to sexual morality.
  • Never discuss the intricacies of religion, or religion at all for that matter.

And I know, we’ve all (myself included) violated those rules. . .


Don’t think those are elysium rules, not that I recall anyways. But it’s only human to bring such topic out. And I been to a few of these topics and it’s not always flaming. A lot of times it ends off topic anyways and there’s nothing that can be help from going into that direction. Those are mostly the top three on family fued, that’s the only time I have heard such rules.

The thing I hate the most is the questions forum.

I always make sure I search for my answer on these forums first then I start a thread, and everyones like, “far out. We’ve been over this a thousand times before. Use that search button and stop wasting our time.”

That search function is hopeless, you type in something and it spits out a hundred results. :x

I’m afraid to post their anymore. %|

No, really. I like that you stick your opinion out there.

The three rules of public forums:

  • Never discuss politics, especially LOCAL (as in everyone is in the same nation) politics where people have personal stakes in it.
  • Never discuss anything at all relating to sexual morality.
  • Never discuss the intricacies of religion, or religion at all for that matter.

These were taught to me, also. It is the three things people hold most dearly. 'xcept me. The three things I hold most dearly are my Blender Manual 2.3; My collection of Neon Genesis: evangelion dvds, and my green lion voltron force figurine. Do not discuss them here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I know what you mean, Joeedh. Please believe me when I say those who flame you should ignore. Those who criticise, take it on board. How to tell the difference: Flames will NEVER back up their claims. If you have an opinion and you back it up, you deserve respect. And you’ve done so in the other forums I’ve seen you on.

You know me: the guy who keeps debating about evil with ya. :wink:

Funny about the political thing, ey? I went over to to see what that’s all about, and here is this one website dedicated to deunking one man. and everyone on it hates MM. So I got into the forums there and praise the ground he walks on (backing up why, of course). I’m not necessarily in agreement with all he says, but to take out your hate on just one voice… it gives me the absolute sh!ts.

I always make sure I search for my answer on these forums first then I start a thread, and everyones like, “far out. We’ve been over this a thousand times before. Use that search button and stop wasting our time.”

Heheh, while we’re sharing, the thing that bugs me here in Elysiun, is those message strings that start “Help Me!” or “I have a question…” or wait: “I NEED HELP!!”

It’s probably why you can’t get many returns on your searches about NURBS, lighting or the such, man. All the threads you’re searching start like this.


What a stupid thread.

I dislike it when people put politcal views in their sigs. Its annoying and doesnt help at all with the politcal flamewars that seem to be increasing…

Plus its a way of pissing off the opposition without leaving a way for them to retaliate.

I agree 110%.

You know, that kind of reminds of a friend of mine.

He goes to Portland State University. There’s a lot political peeps running around. He’s conservitive but he’s fair to both sides:

Measure 36 in Oregon is the defining marriage amendment to the state constitution. Measure 37 is about farming. Some measure 36 proponents came to him once and asked him to sign something and asked about if he was voting. His reply:

MY FAMILY’S BEEN FARMING FOR 3 GENERATIONS! I’m a 3rd generation farmer I’m not going to let you take my land …

Sir, that’s measure 37…

And for those who (nastily) ask him constantly about whether he’s registered, in then proceed to demand to see his reg. card he replies in a calm way:

No, I don’t have my reg. card on me, but I do have this level 3 sex offender card…pulls out wallet…wanna see?