Plunder Pirates!
We just released or game on the App Store and we thought we could share some of the artwork with you guys. For the game models we’ve used a combination of Maya and Blender, but all our renders are done in Blender with Cycles. Blender has been incredibly helpful in this project!
That looks great ! Fantastic job. I love the way the colours really pop !
Really nice renderers, i specially liked the water and the ship from the first one.
that looks great!
Wonderful work
A Rovio game. Great! Have you used Blender only for rendering or modeling too?
Great artwork! The water in the first picture look amazing! How were you able get such a cool shader?
Wonderfull style
Terrific job, and congrats on the game.
Steve S
Congrats! I checked out some of your YouTube stuff too, well done, and best of luck!
I love it.
crazy style, very lovely environment too, good work.
Very cool! I like the toy style of the characters.
Thanks guys!
Mainly for rendering, but we’ve done a few in-game models from scratch with Blender and the workflow and the results are very positive. The only drawback is that our game converter loads Y-up FBX files, but Blender is Z-up. This is a biggie with animation.
Glad you like it. I used to have a more complex shader based on this excellent tutorial, but at the end I settled for something more simple and stylised. Here you go:
very good job man, you have some trailer for this?
really inspiring!
Is this available on Android? Looks cool. (My kids may even want to play it )
wow fantastic…
nice bro :o
This is really cool
Amazing colors and shading, I like it a lot!