Hello, I’m using Point Cloud Visualizer plugin with Blender 2.9 version. When I try to render nothing is visible. What might be the reason
This is the same documentation as the about page on blendermarket, but you can link to specific parts. Does this help:
I tried the steps here but still points are not visible
If its 2.0 then I think you need blender 3.0+, at least that is what it says at the end here (blendermarket page). EDIT: Unfortunately I don’t have this addon nor have I worked with point clouds so I can’t be of more help.
Announcing version 2.0
2.0 Highlights:
New internal data system (uses less RAM, can hold scalars)
New PLY reader (faster, only fast partial loading methods) and writer (can write Binary or ASCII PLY format)
Ability to display larger point clouds
Importing of LAS, LAZ, PCD (experimental) and E57 (experimental)
Loading and displaying scalars, value mapping, color schemes, blending with point colors
New filters for working with scalars
Convert points to geometry nodes and convert to new pointcloud object (available in blender alpha builds) that can be rendered in Cycles
Sequence batch filter, convert and export
Selection tools for cleanup (box, lasso, circle select tools), tool for placement of 3d cursor on points
*Blender 3.0+ required
there is a built in function for point cloud
can you upload file ?
skin a point cloud
Convex hull
call from space bar convex in edit mode
blender function to do points cloud
add on
happy bl
hi, i’m pcv author.
first of all, if you are trying to use blender own render button/function, it will not work. pcv can only render using opengl to a file with its own render button/function. to render with blender (cycles/eevee), points have to converted with pcv to some renderable blender data. pcv 0.9 can convert to meshes, pcv 2.0 can convert also to geometry nodes instances and points (points render in cycles as procedural spheres), everything with colors of course…
regarding opengl rendering and compatibility:
- pcv 0.9 from github is compatible with blender 2.81 only, after that, blender api has changed a lot
- pcv 2.0 from blendermarket is compatible with blender 3.0 and later
edit: if you got 2.0, write me on blendermarket for support