POLL: could this ship take an Imperial Star Destroyer

Sorry, voted against you, that ship looks like it has absolutely no maneuverability. If it had side thrusters or was really small I would have voted for it.

I think the Daleks would destroy it in one hit. I also think that the Cybermen would be able to defeat them.

How much gold dust is on board?

I voted Star Destroyer as the victor based on the fact that I’ve seen a star destroyer beat the crap out of something, and I’ve never seen your ship in battle. If you disagree with my decision, I demand you prove me wrong by animating this particular battle scenario. Then i will know for certain that, indeed, your ship is mighty.

Also, are the hundreds of Tie Fighters on board the Star Destroyer also involved, or are all the pilots out with the flu?

Actually, you know what? Your ship–assuming it was physically capable of existing without self-destructing–would probably shred a star destroyer without blinking, but it doesn’t matter, because that’s what you made it for. It’s just as easy to say ‘THIS CAR I JUST MADE WILL BEAT A POD-RACER BECAUSE IT CAN GO AT MACH EIGHTEEN.’

Basically, what you did was take–with all due respect–a giant tube, and say ‘this ship has one bajillion jiggywatt mookerlasers of +5 star-destroyer killing,’ and then say ‘yay! It’s better!’

So what exactly do you win?

On ground of sheer design, though, I’m going to say that the Star Destroyer is far more visually stunning than your ship. I mean, seriously. The design for the Star Destroyer was a work of geometric and artistic genius.

The wedge shape, and the angle of the wedge, the whole taper is brilliant. It breaks perspective. It manages to subvert parallax and the vanishing point rule so that when you look at it from the front, and since it’s a diamond wedge instead of a rectilinear one, you can see all four sides of it including the top and bottom, so your mind subconsciously interprets it as being insanely far away, almost orthographical(due to parallax), and, since it still fills up the screen, thus FREAKING HUGE, and it gives it this massive presence. As I said. Genius.

The same goes from the back, just in reverse. Since it tapers down to this point–I think the length of the ship is based on the Golden Ratio, but I’d have to check–it manages to break perspective AGAIN by appearing to disappear into an almost invisible distance when viewed from the rear. Again, an impression of infinite size.

Even the profile is brilliant. When you see them, they break up the screen. The fact that the engine housing has a chevron cut turns them into giant arrows which always beg your eyes to run up their length. They’re distracting, so they stand out.

Man, I love George Lucas’s old design team. It’s a pity the prequel designers weren’t half as good.

I vote that the TARDIS would win.


And this is what the TARDIS did to a fleet of ships, each about the size of a Star Destroyer:


eep. a police box did that?!

you dont know dr.Who and the tardis? :eek:

not much of a geek, are we? :ba:

lol…well if a police box can do that, imagine what a grain of rice could do!!


Well, the chameleon circuit broke on the Doctor’s TARDIS, so it sadly can’t turn into a grain of rice.

However, I’m sure the Master’s TARDIS could.

Dosen’t matter how much gold dust you have if they are the new parallel earth cybermen.

But the new Cybermen never faced gold dust, so we don’t know for sure.

Also, are the hundreds of Tie Fighters on board the Star Destroyer also involved, or are all the pilots out with the flu?

no, the piolots are ready for battle, but the TIE’s are hugely outnumbered! (several hundred on the SD and 10,000 on the leviathan!)

I think that the Star Destroy is the most stupid of spacecrafts if a squadron of X-wing fighters and one Millenium Falcon can kick its ass. I think the cruiser will eventually beat the Star Destroyer too. What a waste of tax payers money it was.

And by the way, the cruiser looks like something you buy at a sex shop.

Man, I love George Lucas’s old design team. It’s a pity the prequel designers weren’t half as good.

Half? HALF?? One tenth of that maybe. They should have used Blender’s discombulator script. That shows them for ignoring OSS.

no because it doesn’t look badass enough you can say it has all the weapons in the world but until i either see i vid of it kicking some major ass (increasing its badass lvl). or it looks like the most badass ship in space its gonna get beat by a star destroyer. because a star destroyer is a giant triangle and as we all know a triangle is the strongest shape

About ominous looking ships: The most bad ass detailed ship of them all has to be the Nostromo.

destroyer is a giant triangle and as we all know a triangle is the strongest shape

well actually it is a kite! :slight_smile:

its bigger on the inside

p.s. a kite is just triangle x2 !!!

There is an example analysis of Starship Enterprise ships vs Star Destroyers here

This might give some hints as to how the cruiser here would fare.