Hey all I’ve been wracking my brain about this idea for 5 years and I think it’s better to open a discussion about this than try to figure it out alone.
The broad idea is this:
I want to have direct integration of Poly Haven and other online CC0 asset libraries inside of Blender’s asset browser. All our assets (HDRIs, materials, models) would appear in the asset browser as if you had them installed locally, and when you drag and drop them into your scene it downloads them automatically and places them in your scene.
Ultimately it comes down to “it just should exist”, and it’s something that I as an artist actually want to have.
Having direct access to our assets inside of your 3D software is more convenient than having to go visit our website and download it yourself.
There’s clearly a demand for this kind of tool, because other developers have already taken our assets, packaged them in exactly this kind of add-on and made a ton of profit for themselves. I won’t go down the rabbit hole of how much I dislike that whole idea, but I’ll just say that I think it has to be us (the people who make the assets) who create the add-on, or at least work directly with the people who do.
There are a few reasons why I haven’t worked on an add-on for this already.
The main question for me is how this would affect Poly Haven as a business. We’re not a traditionally for-profit company, our goal is simply to create free assets for everyone. But we employ a few artists and hire a few freelancers to create these assets, so money is ultimately what makes the assets keep coming.
Poly Haven is one big experiment to see if it’s possible to make free content sustainably. I know I come across as a money-minded business guy these days, but just know that my goal is to figure out how we can push the boundaries of open source and make it something that can support artists sustainably.
We have two main income streams: Donations (Patreon and corporate sponsorships), and advertising on the website.
Donations only happen when we have an opportunity to ask for them - i.e. on our website where people currently have to go to download assets. If people no longer need to visit our website, they may not think of us as much every time they use our assets, resulting in fewer donations long term. We would need to find a way to remind people that we need their support inside of Blender, but doing this in a way that’s not as annoying as those wikipedia banners will be a challenge.
Advertising income is directly linked to page views on the website. If people aren’t visiting the website as much anymore, that means less income, and we have to start cutting back costs and making less assets.
How to move forward?
If we ignore or assume we’ll find a solution to those issues above and want to go ahead with some kind of “Poly Haven add-on” anyway, the question becomes: How specifically to do that?
We could make a completely free add-on for everyone to use, or we could lock it behind a Patreon paywall so you have to support our work in order to have the most convenient option to use them (they’ll always be free on the site). Or some kind of hybrid: a temporarily patron-exclusive add-on that becomes free for everyone once we reach some funding goal. This goal would have to be fairly significant, and what happens if we never reach it?
Or, we could simply integrate with BlenderKit, where the assets would be free to use, and we would still earn something from their profit share system. This is the easiest solution in terms of my time investment, but it leaves us with little control over the actual integration in Blender (e.g. we’d like to have some more features like automatic texture scaling so you don’t have to eyeball how big those bricks are supposed to be), nor any security long term. We already have all our HDRIs on BlenderKit, but the income from this is more “supplemental” than “sustainable”. We could add our materials and models too, and market BlenderKit on our own site as the official intended Blender integration for our assets.
Then what about AmbientCG and other CC0 asset libraries? Ideally they should be integrated too, but would they all agree with our implementation and how it affects their income?
What about non-Blender applications? Is something like Quixel Bridge more appropriate or should we stick to focusing support on the community that’s closest to our core values?
Maybe now you understand why I haven’t actually worked on this add-on in the last 5 years Analysis paralysis.
I hope you guys have some ideas and feedback so we can come up with a practical solution together <3