Ponytail Guy Bust

Sculpted this in about 2.5hrs
Then I spent hours playing around with procedural texturing methods using different color attributes as masks for Mix RGB nodes and yadda yadda yadda.
For anyone who wants to learn texturing stylized characters in Blender, I recommend Dikko’s YouTube playlist.
Really great stuff there.
Anyway, I hope y’all like it.
I’m open to critique.


This is awesome! Way better then anything I could do. I would say only advice could be making the chest a little less defined. It seems to be much more defined then a real chest would look like. Well done tho.

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Thanks for the encouragement, man :blush:. Really appreciate it. And thanks for the tip. I always accidentally do that :sweat_smile:. It’s actually good for stylization but you’re right, I don’t think it goes well with the more natural forms of the head.