Pool House

Exterior views of the project…I may post interior views at a later date but memory is becoming an issue…


I love the pool

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Thx patnard…yea probably put more time into the pool than anyting else.

That render is truly amazing, I love the pool as @patnard said, and I really love the modernism of the house and the modern lighting! You also did a great job with the sunset and trees in the background. Great realistic render! I don’t normally say this, but that render fooled me, I thought it was a real photo!


Hey Julian, thankyou man…very kind :smiley:

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This is LUSH! :heart:

I would like to try some architectural rendering at some point. Might come your way for some hints and tips!

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Did you have to work on a complex shader for the water or was it a simple transmission?

Sure SAuchterlonie, feel free.

I was experimenting between a plane object and a volume of water, I settled on the volume, it’s just transmition with a little Volumetric Absorbtion added.
There was little difference between the two methods but if your’re wanting caustics you really need to use the flat plane.

I want to take a dive in that pool rn. :star_struck: Good work!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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