Popup Update

Nice, well done :wink:
I haven’t tested on the 2.77 yet.

removed comments

sorry wrong thread !

happy bl

Nice work pitiwazou. Have you updated it yet for 2.77?
I am working with pie menus and the space menu addon from meta-androcto’s repo for use with the Fracture Modifier branch.
It improves the fracturing/destruction workflow. I would like to try your addon also if it is up to date.
Keep up the good work!

@pitiwazou: thanks for sharing, I found it really useful for improve my Tissue add-on. Trying to implement a pop-up menu I found some problems. The pop-up works perfectly and is interactive, but now I’ve lost the panel from the bottom part of the Tool Shelf, It seems replaced by the pop-up. Do you know if it is possible to keep both of them?

I have the following error:

RuntimeError: expected class OBJECT_OT_tessellate, function draw to return None, not set


Hi Guys, Any idea on why in my modifier popup I cannot use the pipette ?


Did you make that with a custom property or the way it’s done natively?

It’s a simple popup code, no custom property

class SFC_Modifiers_Popup(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = “object.modifiers_popup”
bl_label = “Modifiers Popup”
bl_options = {‘REGISTER’,‘UNDO’}

def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object is not None 
def check(self, context):
    return True

def execute(self, context):
    return {'FINISHED'}

def draw(self, context):
    obj = context.active_object
    layout = self.layout
    SFC_Add_Apply_Remove_Popup(self, context)
    SFC_modifiers_list(self, context)
def invoke(self, context, event):
    self.dpi_value = bpy.context.user_preferences.system.dpi

    return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=self.dpi_value*7, height=100)

I don’t think you can do it the native way, you have to use a PointerProperty to the Object datablock and use that in a prop_search. And only in 2.79+.

Yes maybe ^^