Porsche 911 reimagined

My first take on automotive rendering. The fantastic model of the 911 by Singer is by Szymon Kubicki. I retextured the car and build and textured the surrounding building, which is supposed to be an old industrial manufacturing building. All modelling was done in Blender and rendering with Cycles. I used filmic colormanagement and did colorgrading in Lightroom.

I hope you guys like it, constructive feedback is always welcome.
Have a nice week !


I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy!


Great car, great scene. :slightly_smiling_face:
Well done here, keep up the good work. :+1:

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Thank you very much ! Have a great week !

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Thanks alot, much appreciated !

i just seen your work today and i’m in love it a lot, I need to know how long it took you complete this?

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Hi, thank you very much. Well I dont excactly remember how long this took, but I would say about 2-5 days for building and texturing the environment and for making adjustments to the model of the Porsche.

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Ah gotcha and thanks for replying, i’m working on game and will be using blenders for the images and uity or better game programming to release the game. I do need some help though

Wow, I would love to know more about this piece. The lighting and materials are incredible.

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Ah great, sounds interesting. I´m not really an expert with games, but maybe I can be of help with the images. Feel free to send me a DM, would love to hear more about that.

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Ask away! I´ll try to answer all your questions. :slight_smile:
The lighting is coming from an hdri and the neon light fixtures with an emission shader.
The materials are all based on textures from Poliiqon and for the floor I played with microdisplacement to get that muddy, patchy look.

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I don’t know how to do private messages here and of course the racing game i’m building is for mobile and maybe we release for pc as well for all players

You can send me an email to beckmann (@) liteblack (.) de

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