Portable Ecosystem

Concept, based on portable ecosystem. Carrying around and preserving ecosystems. Inspired by terrarium concepts of Terraliving.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Oh my! Thanks a lot bart! :heartbeat::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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This looks insane!
I’m stunned mostly at the grass of the terrarium you’ve made here!
It looks so lush and green… I want to sleep in it.
Anyway, I’m curious as to how you made it- so if you so kindly spread the wealth on your process.

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Haha! Glad you like it. It’s fairly simple. So the box of the terrarium was hand modelled with regular box modelling. And then the surface of the sides were made into a seperate object and added particle system on them with the surface material mostly transparent. The particles of different types of grass, moss, bushes and flowers collection were used with weight painting on some manual spots. Then the coconut tree was added seperately to the scene with some color correction. The smoke and fog effect is mostly just images as planes. Some were added in post processing. The rest of the scene has a table with mahogany wood texture from poliigon and a plain bg plane with gray diffuse on it. (:

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Thanks for letting me know, much appreciated!