Ship is crashed, it does not look like now, but it will
Would you mind posting the .blend file, I’d like to look at the topology of the round portal thing. =D
by the looks of it its just a circle extruded and some greebles added on…
although its starting simple its very intriguing
Thank you for the *wire render
Soon can start texturing. But I must say, that I do not have any idea, how to unwrap my ship
Hey! That ship and portal looks pretty good and it’s also nice to see an Estonian here so it felt that I should probably drop a useless comment
I think the ladders on the portal are too small, unless the people are that small. I couldn’t see that, though, since the ships windows are too big for the ship to be very huge and the people to be very small. Or I just might not have realized that those things are not ladders
Good work anyways, I can’t help you with the texturing, but there are pretty good tutorials for that as well
Cool, nature always adds to any scene!
if the ladders are that small, how come in the latest pics theres a tree next to the ship… make its seem like its a huge ship and huge tree or its a 1 man ship and the ladder is tiny
The portal base is appended from other file and ladder came with it, I will delete it later
I gotta admit that the clay render already looks very cool. I can’t wait to see the texturing! Curious, are you intended to use BI or Cycles (or something else?)?
I can’t really comment much on this ship for now. I think the texture is a bit too weak for a crashed ship but I’ll elaborate more after this progresses a bit more. The ship could also use some more “working-on”, if you know what I mean. It looks too simple. I hope you’re not compromising speed for quality!
Very nice,
Like how you’re blanding nature into the sci-fi.
Can’t wait to see the finished product.
I agree, that ship needs more work, but same time I do not want to “overload” it with greeble and stuff, I want it to look slim and fast.
Texture needs work too, it is only first version, but I think that spaceship can not be so weak, that after rough landing its wrecked.
I think it looks great so far. About the only thing that I would personally do would be to give the windows on the ship some gloss, but I get the feeling that the ship body was the main focus of this latest update.
Keep it coming. I’d love to see more!!