Still not obvious who she is… still a lot of tweaking needed. But I feel there’s something worth showing at last --ready for welcome crits-- after many hours of vertex pushing.
The cheeks are nearly there, the eyebrow area is beggining to take shape… the nose is nearly untouched yet…
I think the nose needs a bit of work at the bottom and the top, but I think the mouth and the muscles in the face look very good. Once you’ve put the eyes in it might be easier to see who it is.
From that v shaped notch above her nose, and the way the furrows from the eye area slide back along the side, I’d suspect you’ve got some topology problems. Fixing the topology will cut down the hours of vertex pushing to a reasonable amount. Can’t tell for sure, though, without seeing the wires.
Have you got reference photos? Might help critiques if you’d post them.
It’s also hard to tell from the angle of the render, but you might be running into trouble with the jaw line and roundness of the cheeks. It seems like there might be too much of an abrupt break between the front plane and the side plane.
@blenderer. yep, the nose is pretty much untouched, i will come to that later with the eyes. I’m focusing now on the cheeks, jaw and forehead. @orinoco. Its not bad topology, is vertex extreme pushing, trying to find the correct angles. The topo is standard TorQ tute loops. Also, now I’m working on a ref photo with that very angle. I had to rotate the model, so I cannot move the central vertices because the axis mirroring gets broken… what I’m into now is erasing that ugly lines under the cheeks, to make it really smooth. Also, the shadow up the eyebrows show the forehead is not well done yet… anyway, its good fun + little sleep
I wont post ref photos until somebody guesses who she is. :rolleyes: Of course, I dont want blind shots, but hope sometime soon I get something closer to the model.
More. I hope to finish the basic mesh in a few more sessions. Working now to fix the nose. I think i’m beginning to actually ‘see’ the influence of topology and vertices, which ones to push to get what i want… the eyebrows are crude, they are there for reference…