I started this project about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I started by sculpting the basic forms, then did a full retopology, then baked out my textures and painted them with blender and photoshop, then I started shading and lighting. Once that was done, I started to model the clothes, which was the most relaxed part, I started sculpting the basic clothes, then did a retopology, and unwrapped and textured and shaded them. Then I Started on the hair (eyebrows, eyelashes,) they where the hardest part due to the fact that I am not too familiar with the particle hair in blender yet. The eyebrows took at least 10 try’s before I got it right :o But anyways, I think it’s been a really fun experience sculpting, modelling, texturing, lighting, shading, compositing! But please feel free to leave as much criticism as you want.
P.S I know that the background is a bit crumby at the moment, but I will change it soon.
very nice portrait! also love the skin shader and the skin texture… the sculpt has a few points that could need some love.
as mentioned by modron already the corners of the mouth are wrong. the lower lip should tuck under the upper lip, forming a torusshape (donut) in the corner. on the outerside of this torus is a muscle, that would be visible on people of this age, and is missing in your sculpt. adding this muscle helps to get the lower lip more inside too.
the other point is the ear, where the antihelix (the y-shape inside) tucks under the helix (the outside c-shape) is an odd mass of flesh. there should be a deep shadow, because of the undertucking…and the tragus (the little part in the front above the earlobe) seems be too small and thin.
the plane under the nose is not facing correctly, it should be slightly angled, so that from front view a little from the underneath of the nose is visible…it might be though a person has the nose like you sculpted, but it is unusual.
another point is, the eyes could need a little sss to remove the plastic feel.
just curious, i it a true portrait of an existing person? anyway, very well done already, i am looking forward to the final
Tomtuko, Thanks you very much! I’m sure you will be much better then me one day Mordon, Yes, I think that was more of a texture problem though. I wen’t through the textures today and got them looking crisper.
Doris, Thank you very much! I will see to hopefully all the suggested problems. I have tweaked the lips a bit, the textures where making them look weird, so I think I’ve got it okay, but i will have to see about the Corners of the mouth! I almost got too concentrated on the face and kind of forgot the ear as I went up levels…I have given it a little bit more detail now.
I also added more SSS to the ears, so it now looks a little more fleshy.
Thank you very very much for your comment and help, It is quite an honour to receive a comment from THE master sculptor!
No, It was not intended to be anyone specific…Although, he did end up looking slightly like Ed Harris (the actor) LOL.
But anyway, thank you very much for you’re time to help me make this portrait look better!
Oh, and here are some front and side Orthographic OpenGL renders:
hey you are welcome, i am glad if i can help… from this image i can see another problem with your mouth sculpt, as usually the upper lip sticks out more forward than the lower lip. you have it the other way around. there are, of course, some expressions where it looks like you have it, or when the upper teeth are missing the lower teeth are still there, but as i understand you want do a sculpt as peopele normally look, so i mention this too… try use reference for mouth, you will see how the corners need be sculpted. always think of them as very small donuts…then it will become correct… and, i would recommend to not use orthgraphic view for sculpting portraits, as this is an artificial view and our eyes are not used to judge if a sculpt is correct if seen in orthographic view. … best use viewport perspective with a lense about 100… or a little less if you prefer… you will notice it is easier sculpting, alone from that…
Okay, I’m rendering out an image right now! I tweaked the mouth a fair bit, so this should hopefully look a little better
And yeah, I do usually sculpt in perspective