Portrait Sculpts

Thank you so much for sharing your workflow! I sculpt on a potato laptop and when I reach +300k triangles dyntopo starts to lag a bit (2.8 stable release). I try to limit my sculpts to 500k max so the sculpting isn’t too frustrating haha.

I sometimes sculpt on my brother’s gaming PC so maybe I’ll try your method when I get the chance. :+1:

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Ah, 500k isn’t bad either! 5 million is kind of overkill anyway. The main thing is that you turn dynamic topology off once you’re done with your major forms and you use brushes with a low strength. That’ll make all the difference.

Coincidentally I’m sculpting Sakura right now and I tried a lower polygon count, and it’s actually hovering around 500k at the moment!


Ah, and I just re-read your post. Yes, dynamic topology is always laggy at the higher polygon counts, that’s why it’s important to turn it off once you’re far enough along! Once you’ve subdivided it to 500k to 1-2 million, then try turning off dynamic topology and see how fast it runs. Since by this point you’re doing detail sculpting there’s no need to keep it on anyway :smile:

You’re right, 500k is good enough for a bust sculpt. It’s a good idea about turning off dyntopo when the major forms are more or less settled so there would be less lag. I’ll do that from now on. Thank you :ok_hand:

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Wow nice results so far! Now I want to sculpt her myself too!



I’ll do Dhalsim, how’s that? :grin:


@Weekend I’m still not completely happy with it, so I’m still messing with it, but thank you! :smile:

@yakuzakazuya Go right ahead! Honestly looking through your sketchbook, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got the forms down a million times better than me :joy:
Please feel free to cross-post it in your own thread and right here!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Congrats, @Justin712 :+1::+1::+1:

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@bartv Thank you very much, I appreciate it! :smile:

@yakuzakazuya Thank you! :joy:


Alright, I’ve been messing with this one for a while, but these things are supposed to be dailies anyway, so I think I’ll just leave it for now and come back to it later if I want to make it more accurate. The scarf is pretty lazy because of the burnout too I’ll admit :joy:

8/23/19: Sakura from Street Fighter 4


My criticism is I think you made her too pretty! This is Chun Li tier beautiful, man.

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Hahaha yeah, you’re right, I might have lost the whole tomboy thing somewhere along the way :joy:

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Love these SF characters dude, Sakura is my fav!

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the new sfv design made her more girly though!


Yeah they definitely did! I don’t like the default SF 5 design much myself :smile:
I think she looks good on the younger costumes, but they tried to age her on her default and I don’t know if it works very well

@GadgetronGreg Thank you I appreciate it! I like to think I’m doing each one a little better, I think I do see a lot of improvements in Sakura compared to Ibuki and Cammy!

You got me there! Clearly I was thinking of SF Alpha 3 Sakura :grin:

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8/25/19: Guile from Street Fighter 4


8/26/19: Makoto from Street fighter 3/4

This might be my last one for a bit, I’ve got to work on some characters for a game project, but I’ll see if I can fit some portrait sculpts in after a while


Very faithful to the 2d art :ok_hand:

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