Portrait with fruit. Modeling and texture in Blender, render in Cycles, compoisition in Blender.
before textures.
Reference Portrait of Emperor Rudolph II in 1591 conducted by Arcimboldo:
Critics are welcome. Cheers.
Portrait with fruit. Modeling and texture in Blender, render in Cycles, compoisition in Blender.
before textures.
Reference Portrait of Emperor Rudolph II in 1591 conducted by Arcimboldo:
Critics are welcome. Cheers.
I really like this a lot. What fruit or vegetables are the eyes? I’m not sure what some of the veggies and fruits are, but overall, its a great job here. Some of the fruit looks like plastic, but like I said, I like it so I can’t nitpick too much here.
How on earth was such awesomeness created…?
This is incredible
wow great modeling!! That’s a quite impressive work! The material side is good, but some of them I think would need some more work. I think also that a scene like this would benefit a lot with some proper SSS.
Great work anyway!
Yummy! And a great render!
The first thing that came to me when I saw this is the part of Peter Gabriel’s
Sledgehammer video where the fruit face is singing, same feel like a frame from a stop motion video. Nice work
Glad you like it, the truth is that the painter that was very original in these portraits with fruit and something that is well suited to 3D. It has been quite expressive but doing full body and animate all objects that takes over descomunalxd serious work.
As for time modeling and texturing, were two days, the render was in Cycles 300 passes about 3 hours.
about eyes are black olives. About SSS , yes sure but Cycles dont have that for now, maybe in Blender internal i could try it, yes.
And about peter gabriel video, yes and the kind of fruits and position in the face he gets inspiration in the Arcimpoldo picture too jeje.
let node 2 sacks materials green grapes, I’m happy with the result given in cycles and the final composition node in Blender. If you think that the order of the nodes is incorrect or missing any node that would bring a lot to the image let me know: p
grape green material.
final composition Blender.
Sry for my english.
I love the corn. Actually, love the whole thing. I like how you took inspiration, but did not copy. Well done.
one word- AWESOME :RocknRoll:
absolutely stunning render
I wont even ask how much time it took to render:D
very nice concept and rendering.
Hey man… good work.
Muy bueno.
Did you sculpt the lettuce leaves ??
Esculpiste las hojas de lechuga ??
thanks !
Nicely done. Looks quality.
Heheh, pretty good indeed, reminds me of a commercial made here a few years back, well done!
Fantastic !
Kind regards
You finished all this in two days Awesome work!
Brilliant job man The only part of the image that I think needs improving are the grapes. They look a bit too shiny. Other than that, Great Job!
Reminds me of this guy a bit (or should I say VEGETABLE-MAN)
very cool and creative!
the modeling’s really really great!
it looks so yummy!
You made the banner (toprow) beautiful.
Colorful and beautiful work!
Very beautiful; like a true Arcimboldo. Well done, Skaldy! :yes:
kinda weird and abstract but i like it