Pose library n panel multiple armatures

I have created some poses for two different armatures. I have put them into two different catalogs in the asset browser.

When I open the N panel it shows the poses for all armatures. How can I make the n panel show only the poses associated with the selected armature that is in pose mode? Similar to how the old pose library was.

Till the asset browser starts giving us the ability…the next best thing is to use Directories and a Naming convention…such as this shows

Poses> Top Directory

then subdirectories

Poses A
Poses B
Poses C
Name the Poses accordingly and save them to the proper Named Blend File!

The section starting at1:42 in, is one of the simple/easy explanations on adding to the asset browser as it is now ( things will probably change when progress on it get rolling)

thanks for the tip. I’ll probably just use the asset browser with separate catalogs though