Position rotate (bending) for instances?

Sup guys

Here’s how i rotate (bend) spawned splines:

But i realize what i want to bend them independently (bend them with a bit random amount, etc).

But it will require realizing instances, so its no longer possible to bend them with node setup which i show.

Maybe someone already solved such cases?

What up, dawg

Isn’t that what you’re looking for?

Oh, nope. Im specifically mean bending which i achieve by rotating world position of each spline point.
Currently i can bend all of them simultaneously, but i want to do this separately.

your instances all share the same geometry and can only be transformed on their object level. so if you want to displace each of them differently I guess you have to realize the instances after instancing and then do the transformations with the captured index of the instances as a factor for diversity.

instance_deform.blend (1.4 MB)