Possible to make a sharp rock like thisin geometry nodes?

I didn’t found a way to do this, I have tried via the modifier tab but I made :poop:
So maybe with the geo nodes there is a way?







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Very interesting ! But that’s some shader, I need a geometry nodes (to have a mesh ready to be 3d printed), and I’m not very talented with the geometry nodes :smiling_face:

Don’t see a problem with a shader. You can convert that to mesh, too!

Also, I think your approach with modifiers looks kinda promising.

Too bad you can’t use procedural nodes for the textures in the displacement modifier.

A little noise with distortion, maybe a wave, and you’d be all set

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Also, I was just thinking, depending on what you need it for, maybe just buy some obsidian? :smiley:

A rock of that is like 5 $, definitely less than the filament cost i suppose

or just get this hunk and smash it with a sledgehammer :smiley:

(don’t do that)


Yes a big :hammer: on a glass brick and you have it :laughing:
In fact it will be a part of more complex 3d model…
So I’m going to use my “modifier” rock and sculpt it a bit…

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These might help you with that

Think you could get a good result with geonodes…


That’s EXACTLY what I need :+1:
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! I go straight away to download it :pray:

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