Post Needs Approval ? Seriously?

I supported BA with my hard earned money. Not all that much … 50 dollars or so. Been here for some time now. So why do I need to deal with this bullshit now …

… when trying to comment in this thread Do people really not understand NSFW? - #42 by Okidoki


We were overrun by commercial parties mass-posting replies on jobs, so we switched to the following strategy:

  1. All posts in Paid Work require approval.
  2. If you want to offer your services, use DMs, not public replies.

And for the second issue, some words will trigger the approval process too. Messages are usually cleared pretty quickly.

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Thanks Bart … hope things work themselves out.

As a former moderator over on the much beloved Typophile dot com (now defunct), I know firsthand how mass-posting can get out of control.

Much love.

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It may be so because you cited me…
…both of my post also needed approval… :wink: But that’s okay…

Maybe even your Bu… Sh… was triggerring this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sometimes the used software is a bit… picky a little prima donna… and to use a by far better one… you know… it all ends up in more time/resources/money… and then check the false positives and also detect the positive falses… so even more time/resources/ money… :crazy_face:

It’s because you quoted Okidoki, which included the letters N, and S, and F, and W together in a row. Thus creating a flagged word, which needed approving. I think…


Ahhh… now i know… :wink:

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I briefly ran a forum on my company’s web site – until I realized two things. First, that “my paying customers” really hadn’t asked for it and were not using it. Second, that I hated being “a moderator.” So, the forum got flushed, and no one ever wrote me an email asking to have it back.

If, from time to time, an “approval” message pops up – and, it will (anywhere …) – just patiently wait it out.

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