Pouring liquid

I have made a simple setup for pouring juice into a glass.

But it does not work What have I forgotten.
Flow is set and the Effector but nothing happens when starting.
Blend file 3.6.5 or 4.0.2

I guess pouring liquid does not run because there is a baking problem.


If you change Type to All, you’ll get a Bake menu.
The amount of emission is small, so it doesn’t seem to be previewed.

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i can confirm that baking it, will work


Thanks so you just change the type to all?
I will try that.

oh, i am sorry, i changed to all, checked resumable and hit “bake all”

Yes it works only have to improve the liquid flow.
How did you set the render I only see a background color no pouring jug

oh, that’s just a gif of the viewport - not a render

No when i render ctrl f12

give your domain a “water” material, maybe like so:


and water should be rendered in cycles. Maybe search for a better water material, mine is superbasic :wink:

Sorry I don t understand is the color the color from the juice like yellow then the transparent color cube is getting transparent yellow
Thought the baking should go faster its just a simple scene setup.

Ok i got a result but it takes a lot of time

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I know now the juice color, how do you set the liquid speed and thickness. Liquid is flowing how do i get the sphere disappear Fluid flow

I understand now that the sphere object after the mapping can be disabled. Sorry mu fault.

Mantaflow control the flow speed .
Why does it always spilling the juice i just want to fill the glass without spilling or overflow.

I think it’s because it’s been released continuously.
Please refer to the video below

Thanks i never new you could render fluid in eevee.

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I will finish it. Its very hard.