
I traced this photo in Illstrator with my Intuos3. Sized and text added in Photoshop.


havent seen your works in a while Dittohead,

very good work,i like it.

very nice indeed! i love the sky gradient

I love how the subtle empty space exemplifies the nature of passive free energy. Also the font used conveys the word “power” in non-threatening, more intelligent manner. Good job.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

I don’t want to take credit for composition or anything, it still is a trace of a photo.

Font is ‘Helvetica Neue (23 Ultra Light Extended)’.

And yeah, I haven’t posted anything new a while, been mostly working on stuff that just isn’t worth posting or can’t be posted (client work). I’m working on a new model but I’ve got plenty to learn about either rendering it via rhinoman (renderman exporter for Rhino) but it’s really slow for GI stuff, and finding a good export format for blender is hard. The nurbs->poly stuff is really poor quality, it’s also slow and requires per object export to get halfway decent results. Enough of my ranting though…hehe

that’s classy and stylish, dynamic with the contrast between wide spaces and a single object, balanced.