I will release this Addon with a full documentation on every aspect of it later, what i would like at this stage is some User Feedback on usability and whatever comes to your mind.
This Addon simulates EVERY aspect of a Real Physical Camera - based on the correct Mathematics.
“Blender’s Camera is Physical” - You might say - well, correctly so, but not completely. There are “links” between things, like Focus Distance affects Focal Length and Exposure and so on. This Addon simulates every single one of them.
(Options inactive)
(Options active)
Update 0.6.1:
-Fixed Keymap Bug
-Set Defocus Key to F (was D - conflicted with GreasePencil)
-removed WIP Menu.
Some Notes:
-Click Focus - Use F Key in Viewport (best in Camera View Mode
-The Physical Camera works fully with Cycles and most Renderers (just not yet completely with other Renderes than Cycles. So far, yafaray, vray, luxrender, mitsuba, Blender Internal are supported. Again - not everything is working there - but most things are.)
This Function i consider as one of the Main uses - One Camera to rule them all. Let me now you suggestions for more Renderers or what else.
-The Physical Camera is “calibrated” to match real World. I will explain this further in the Release Documentation. The Camera comes with “Sunny 16 Rule” settings preset - So just increase the Sun strength until the Image is nice and bright. (You will then have a “correctish” ratio between Sun and other Lamps)
-Some things are quirky - it’s a pre-release - Sensor Size, FPS, DOF_Object do not work fully properly.
-The Presets System is most likely subject to change - not quite sure how yet - some input is welcome.
-The UI tries to explain as much as possible by itself - like functions might turn things Grey - inactive (Well, mainly the exposure function does this). I would like to hear some opinions on this.
-Please take some time to Read the Informations (Hover over things) - Again, feedback welcome.
-At last: This Addon will most likely change ALL your Camera parameters - you might do some tests before using it on production files… hehe.
And last but net least: I hope you enjoy it - please give me some feedback. If you don’t like it - give me feedback.