Premium Tutoriial - 3d Time Machine Warrior on

Hi everyone,

This month, I’m offering a 1 year free membership to my web site, starting in January, for anyone who purchases the 3d Time Machine Warrior tutorial before the end of November, 2013. The tutorial is approximately 6 hours in length and teaches basic vector math and basic Python programming within the game engine.

I cover logic bricks, Python programming, vector math and more. If you’re new to the game engine, this tutorial is designed to get you quickly up to speed, enhancing your technical skills at the same time. I’ve posted a sample of 7 lessons in a separate Playlist; they start with the first four simple review lessons, plus three additional math/physics lessons to give you an idea of what the tutorial is all about.

It’s very affordable for now, considering you can take advantage of the special until the end of November. In the past 15 months, I have posted over 500 Blender related tutorials, mostly for beginning to intermediate users. This year, I’ll still be posting free tutorials, but if you really want to step up your game and learn more technical math and programming skills, the 3d Time Machine Warrior tutorial is a great start.

We don’t just use arbitrary numbers to set objects in motion, we use vector math and physics to add more power to whatever game or simulation that you might be trying to create. You should be well grounded in basic math via my Math for Animators Playlist before purchasing this tutorial. Even if you struggle with math, I’m pretty careful about stepping through the lessons, making it easy for most anyone to follow along.

Blender has a lot of power to offer and my focus to help traditional artists and animators gain a progressively stronger technical knowledge so you can take advantage of it. Thanks kindly for checking it out via my web site.
