Right now I can sell bge games as is, Android support and view-port integration will be enough for me,
if Ton decides to remove standalone support, I will make a fork, that is stable @ 2.75+ android support
I actually was going to use the money to recruit off the blender developer network.
I want everything to hit master,
Phase 3 = another separate campaign
You can be critical all you desire, but there are developers that have BGE games that are already made
that can port their content to Android once support exists.
I want to see the BGE pay for it’s own development, this will not be possible if standalone is removed.
With the systems I designed, I can write a game in about two weeks now, not including art and levels,
I intend to polish these resources and give them away for free, (just like the resources I already donate)
With these systems, you can drop a actor controller in a scene, drop a actor rig base, attach a armature, name you animations and have a working rig. in under 1 hour.
this is not my project, it is ours,
any adjustments that need to be made, will be made.
I intended to do this for a few reasons .
Reason 1 = Blender game engine based Augmented communication device for android
-why? proloquo2go = 250$+ usd , IPAD = 200 -> 600 dollars = Too expensive to donate for free,
What if I write my own, that runs on donated android devices? I can give it away for free.
Reason 2 = Indie developers don’t use the bge becuase it has limited publishing options and poor GFX support,
this will undo these reasons.
Reason 3 = I don’t want to see the work of all who contributed to the bge be swept into the trash.