
Hello my patient viewers, I’m finally back to this community with the short film.
Before talk about my personal things, let me just put a credit for the asset I used in here.
“female short jeans” ( by Toxic is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

It’s been almost 5 months since I uploaded a last post to this community.
While creating this short film, I’ve learned and experienced a lot of things in my real life.
Especially there were many accidents, troubles and also many unique and great things ever in the process of creation of this work.
Yep, maybe there were not much things to talk in here, since I can’t post my personal information very precisely. :confused:
And also I’m not planning to upload short film anymore in a soon, so I’ll do something instead of making short films using blender. (Because 5months was a long time and it nearly traumatized me to work so much.)
Anyways, thank you so much to all the people who had been waiting a long time until this video comes out, and have watched it.
(Probably, I’m the one who had been waiting most for this almost endless hell of work to end.)
I’ll manage to respond all the comments to this post if it’s possible for me to answer, so please ask me freely if you have any questions.


Hey Snawsome, that was really good. And genuinely freaky. Nice work!

Sorry to hear about the troubles you’ve had lately. I hope things are improving for you.

And yeah, even short films take a lot of time and effort, but it paid off here. :+1:

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Thank you so much Cire, I appreciate your kind words.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much! Apologies for my late reply. :pensive:

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That was excellent. Great atmosphere, animation and camerawork. Also really liked the audio.

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