Preventing an object from receiving shadows in Blender (Cycles)


I need to stop an object from receiving shadows in Blender, without affecting other properties or materials.

For the moment, I’ve explored the methods mentioned below, but they don’t solve the issue, as they focus on shadow casting rather than reception :

Shadow Linking, “Is Shadow Ray” (Light Path node), and Ray Visibility settings :

  • All of these methods are designed to control how the object itself affects its own shadows (these who are created by him), not the shadows it receives from other objects. Therefore, they don’t work for preventing shadow reception.

Thanks for your help

delete_receiving_shadows.blend (664.5 KB)

Hi, the shadow is coming from the block object just stop it from casting shadow:

hello, thanks but it’s not the result I want… There you just desable the casting shadow, so all the other objects don’t receive any shadow emitted from this specific object anymore. What I want Is just to desable the receiving for 1 object only

I think this in generally impossible. As shown deactivating some object to cast a shadow is one thing because in the computation the light rays “simply” ignore this object and the light is transmitted to all other objects → so no vidible shadow.
But here exactly lies the culprit. If the light is already transmitted then the areas with less light aka shadows can’t have any information about how they would be lighted without this other object.

If you would not have the cube_back object and also a camera then using the camera as pivot point and scaling the not_receiveing object until the shadow “does not reach it” or precisely the light source illuminates it completely then this might be a solution. Of course this depends on the lightsource so that the object is still lit the end of the scene has to be considered/ changed.

Here the i added a camera and hid the cube_back ( the border of the plane is now showing the part “behind” the not_receiveing object):

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I will second that. Although i am sure this option of not receiving shadow was available in other 3d apps.

Ok, i have done some searching and i think i have a solution.
The solution is to use two lights and set the shadow and light linking to the object you want shadows on in one light, and the object you want to exclude in the other light.


Ohh yes :person_facepalming: light linking … one of my new year’s resolution… …but very late on the list… :wink:

Very simple once you know how. :laughing:

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thank you very much for the tips.
It’s true that it’s quite restrictive, I’ve illustrated it with a fairly simple scene for the example. But with a more complex scene of mattepainting for example, with many images as plane it would be complicated to rescale each image one in relation to another. In any case, thanks, I’ve learned one more thing about pivot-scaling.

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Wow, thank you so much! I feel a bit stupid because I had tried with light/shadow linking but got it wrong :sweat_smile:. Didn’t duplicated the light when I’ve tried.
Moreover this is better now, cause I can choose which specific shadow to link or not

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Ohh yes i remember of some splendis work of 3D application… you might know this too ??


( Already getting nostalgic at the first day of the new year :pleading_face: )