Preview vs Render

In the pic below, you see Preview on the left and it looks awesome
On the right is Render and it sucks
what is going on here, I want the Render image to look awesome so when I do render I get the really great result. I’m not understanding. Help please. thanks.

Preview vs Render

Your preview has a default HDRI- I don’t think your render does

ifs the HDRI is in the file, and preview sees it…why doesnt Render see it.

There is no HDRI in the world properties

Because that’s not how it works :man_shrugging:t3: material preview uses a single HDRI and no lights, render uses whatever lightning setup you’ve created. if you want to add an HDRI to your render, open the Shader editor, switch to World, add an Environment Texture, plug that in to the Background


alright…lets see if I can pull that off. thanks.

I need more explanation if that is possible, I need very specific instructions,,maps%20from%20our%20hard%20drive.

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You don’t gonna like this but: You have to learn the whole 3D workflow (and there are multiples) and also the tools like every body else has to…

The preview (precisely the Viewport Shading set to Material Preview) is (as it states) just a preview to get a general overview how it might look like (it is more than just Solid or even Wireframe ). Even if set to Rendered there are different settings for vieport and final render…

So if you ask:

It’s all in the docu Manual Editors 3Dview Display Shading available via Menu: Help → Manual

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But, to be utterly fair, @Okidoki, I think that "it arguably could be argued, now," that maybe the difference between “Preview vs. Render” really needs some additional discussion in the documentation, particularly since “Preview” has lately become so powerful, and therefore the “admittedly-confusing differences” have now become so large.

“Preview” is “EEVEE.”

I’m actually inclined to step-in on behalf of this person. Should we “address it as a documentation issue,” or might it be possible to … “automagically(!)” set [EEVEE …] settings which approximate the Viewport render, in order to give “our Poor Soul” a better starting place? While I admit that I am “completely free-thinking here,” might this in fact be a viable “food for thought” to toss at the Developers?

"Just click a button, and here’s an auto-generated set of initial EEVEE settings which should get you pretty close. Then do with it as you will."

That crazy notion sounds pretty darned interesting to me . . . (Not sure if it should or even could be extended to “the Cycles people.”)

In the background there might be used the eevee engine for display… but that’s totally irelevant if you switch to sold or wireframe mode…

Also if someone is happy with the displayed image then why bother to render again ??
Of course with better settings for details…

So then you are not happy with the image whihc is displayed…
But then we run/discuss in circles

There is a reason for:
Viewport Shading:

  • Wireframe
  • Solid
  • Material Preview
  • Rendered

and the icons:


And also the diffferent settings for eevvee (didn’t include AO,Bloom,DOF,SSS):


and Cycles (didn’t exppand all the advanced settings):


So someone can see this

Well there is an Rendering → Introduction which leads to Eevee → Render Settings ans espcially to the Eevee: Render Settings → Sampling… again especially telling everone:

The number of samples to use in the 3D Viewport…

The number of samples…

Viewport Denoising
Reduces noise while…

…so what to discuss…


and again… directly available in blender:

And also if someone ask here in the forum :wink:

Possibly a direct (viewport) render is what you’re looking for.


They might talk about “Render Preview Mode” instead of “Material Preview Mode”. At least the sample image looks like that. In that case the HDRI should be the same as in the final rendering.

The only “mode” having Preview in its name is Material Preview and it’s also the “mode” or setting of the Viewport Shading
Maybe that is the problem… not knowing the correct terms so that someone could help ?

It’s also every time very difficult to help if the images are just the results and there are no info about the settings… and the OP may even not know (looking at the answers) ?? But also didn’t give any more details…

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Well. You probably know exactly what I mean. And although the word “mode” is missing, it’s called “render preview” nonetheless.


If you just want that black shadow to disappear you can set the IOR value of the glass material to somthing between 1.0 - 1.1. This gets rid of the shadow but also of the glass reflections.

(i usually call things by their labels and not by anything mentioned in the context menu… if you do so most users would not find it :wink: )


…already answers the the quesion… if someone is happy with the preview… why bother about computing something with other settings ??

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