Previewing animation ( animation tab ) and avoiding output from video editor

Hi, I’m animating a character and I have divided the screen so I have reference footage on the viewer.
When I try to preview the viewport animation and export it, the output is the footage instead of the animation.
If I want to create the animation preview I have to erase the footage , and that way it works.
But, whats the correct way to do it?

Can’t really tell without your blend file, but my guess would be you are rendering your sequencer. Go to Your Output Properties and towards the bottom you should have something like “Post Processing”. Under that uncheck your sequencer and try that. Now you won’t render your sequencer.


Thank you, that was it =)

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What I will write might not be a good idea… But if I were you, I’d try to import that footage as an “image reference” object in the viewport. They have a few advantages: can be placed anywhere in the viewport, hidden in render, rotated, easy to flip, you can have as many of them as you want, …

Just note that you will need to disable the file type filter when browsing for your file (it shows only pictures by default):

All that also avoiding the render issue you just got.

The only downside I can think of, is that I think they can’t be prefetched, so it might not be as good as the movie editor in terms of performance.

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