Principled BSDF- emission effect gone in 3.3

hi there,

i have this character with cartoony texture that used principled BSDF.
i remember turned the emission strength up a little so it had this soft glowing effect following ts color.

now it seems to be gone with all my files, while showing in 2.93, 3.13
can i fix it quickly or am i screwed? ty.
(cycles render, GPU compute with denoise on)

Turn on the Bloom checkbox in your Render properties

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this is exactly it man HOWEVER WHERE DID IT GO IN 3.3?? LOL

Oh that’s why, switch your render engine to Eevee :slight_smile:

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so bloom is removed from cycles 3.3 is that it?
man i need cycles for the scene to render correctly :smiling_face_with_tear:

The emission should work in Cycles without Bloom :thinking: try turning the emission strength up to like 50

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If you need to have bloom in Cycles, that is done in the compositor using the glare node.

But if you are just trying to have the object emit light in the scene, or give the material a flat color, then it should just work by default when using Cycles.


thank you guys for all the help,
once i hooked the texuture to emission its glowing like crazy now lol
not behaving 100% like before but at least its back :smiley:
just have to tweak with texture and strength a bit,

thanks again guys :slightly_smiling_face: