Print out Bezier curve control points global positions?


I added a simple Bezier curve.

What I want is to print out in the console the Bezier control points which are accessible in Edit Mode.
I want to copy these values after it’s printed.

Example output:
Bezier curve positions:
1, X: -1.5, Y: -6.5, Z: 0
2, X: -1, Y: -6, Z: 0

Example Image:

I don’t know, if this is possible. I was only modelling. Can I get these values without programming in python?

I added a simple Bezier Curve. In my final project I would’ve over 200 control points.

Thanks for any help.

import bpy

o = bpy.context.object
m = o.matrix_world

for x0, i in enumerate(
	for x1, j in enumerate(i.bezier_points):
		print ("Point:",x1,([email protected]).to_tuple(2), "Right:",([email protected]_right).to_tuple(2), "Left:",([email protected]_left).to_tuple(2))

It will print all splines with points and handles :
Object: BezierCurve
Spline: 0
Point: 0 (10.52, 0.0, 0.0) Right: (11.02, 0.5, 0.0) Left: (10.02, -0.5, 0.0)

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