Decided I need a break from my warehouse scene so decided to try something a bit cleaner and brighter.
This is a typical newer style prison wing in the style of most british prisons. I have a few ideas of which direction to take this scene in, but im sure that will change once it starts coming together.
Most little details are coming from photo references found on google, and measurements have been carefully worked out from memory.
I created this all once before using sketchup, its good to finally see it come to life in blender.
This is probably the best reference image i’ve been able to find.
Done some more of the modelling. theres a few things I’m not happy with, and mistakes I didnt notice until render time that need to be fixed.
Im not happy with the stairs, even though I checked UK building regulations: ‘Institutional and assembly stairs serving a place where a substantial number of people will gather, with a maximum rise of 150mm and a minimum going of 280mm.’ So even though they look bad to me they are technically correct, I’m hoping they look better once I’ve added hand rails to them.
My main annoyance with this render is the noise, but I’ll just deal with that for now.
Hopefully soon can begin adding some props. pool table, telephones, signage, physical light fixtures and fittings etc, then begin the texturing.
I have a few ideas for the final render scene, so it will be able to tell a story rather than just being a boring render of a prison.
Im happy with these colours, I’ll add some variation and more detail to the materials eventually but this gives me a good view of how the final result will look.
My big problem here is getting a decent camera angle from inside the cell, its such a small space that i might have to remove a wall to do it… I dont know anything about photography so i dont feel comfortable adjusting lens settings or whatever. Anybody here have any ideas?
Power outlets, televisions, playstation 2, cd players ect, prisoners are allowed a suprising amount of luxury if they have the money and have earned the right priviliges.
I plan to add all these things and more to this scene, I want it to look like its been lived in for a while.
And then when I’m happy with the content I’ll increase the level of detail on all the models and add materials and textures to replace the flat diffuse colours I’m currently using.
theres a long road ahead with this one, but i have a clear picture in my mind of what it needs.
This is going along quite nicely
you said that with the right privileges and money in prison they can have luxury. Why not a new bed then.
And I think the room might have too much furniture in it but it still looks good.
Nice chair by the way
Added cables for the tv, I just knew somebody would comment on them being missing last time…
Also modelled a small kettle, although its currently a little fatter than I would like so it still needs some tweaking to get it how i want it plus it has no cable or switch,
added a few toilet rolls, still need to add a flush button for the toilet and some taps on the sink, but im not happy with the sink so I’m gonna start that again at somepoint.
Change the material on the chair legs to be glossy, looks much better with that little shine to it.
The red light on the tv seems quite noisy so will have to tweak that aswell.
I’m done with modeeling furniture and big items now, all thats left its the small things, personal effects, possesions and the little details. Progress feels much slower when the focus is on the little details.
Added in playstation 2 (just simple shape, needs more detail later) plus I put a few birthday cards and letters etc up on the board, and a few more items on the shelves and things.
Added a blanket to the bed but I’m not happy with it yet, will try it again. The cloth simulator is not my friend.
Also added a light outside to cast shadows from the bars, had problems getting light to shine through the window so I’ve had to remove the glass until I figure out what the issue is…