PRO fluid and particle simulations


I’m struggling with fluid and particle simulations - i’m not sure which one should i choose to make it work the best way.

Firstly i have to make objets drop to the tank (link to what ive done:, It’s supposed to react like solid, loose material (i know it looks like gel) (its made by particles->fluid).

Then i need to make fluid flowing through the pipes, which i think is gonna be hard to make with particle systems (ive tested many options for a few days, but havent touched fluid system). Is it worth transfering to fluid system insteat of particle fluid?

Basicly i have to make 3 stages

  1. dumping material into the tank as on the video i put the link above
  2. mixing the material with fluid in pipe
  3. flowing fluid through the pipes (i have to fill huge tank next, so particle system could ruin my PC)

What do you think guys should i choose to make such simulation, only fluid system or mix between those two? Also if anyone can tell me how to make the particle fluid system less ‘‘gel like’’ or less ‘‘bouncy?’’. I think ive tried changing every variable in settings.

I want to make it look very industrial, solid, and engineering style BUT ITS for illustration purposes only so it doesnt have to be calculated, i know how the fluid is moving through those pipes. somethink like this simulaiton but i can make it better: