Problem: Logo showing on all sides

I have two empties. One on each side of helmet. I assign the logo to the helmet w/ obj the empty. When i render it shows the image on all four sides of the helmet(outsides and insides…see pics). I just want the image once on each outside edge.

What am I doing wrong??



You could setup multiple materials, one for each side of the helmet. For more on this visit:

Or you can UV map the Helmet and stop using the empties. More here:

Thanks, I got it using multiple materials.
Question: Can I use a .png(usealpha) with UV Mapping?


Yes, you can use a PNG file with alpha for a UV map. Just make sure you load it as an Image texture, and click Use Alpha in the texture settings.

If you are using decal technique you have to make sure that you select clip cub and not clip in the Map Image panel in the Textures Section(F6).
Clip will only clip the image according to its width and height but not in z-axis direction while clip cub also clips the z-axis.

Top tip, thanks for that. :yes:

The trouble is that the length of the Z axis on the empty controls how far the decal “penetrates” into the object. This is a problem if the surface is curved. If the Z axis is too long the decal penetrates the object. If the Z axis is too short, not all the decal appears on the surface.

The trouble is that with a curved surface, the required Z axis lengths might overlap, that is, there might not be a Z axis length that will avoid both problems.