Problem rendering particles animation (cycles)

Hello guys!
I have a problem rendering particle simulation.
The animation in the viewport runs smoothly.
I can also render individual frames with motion blur and DOF quickly. About 25 sec per frame.

But when I try to render animation (ctrl+F12) rendering one tile takes forever to render and the particles are messed up. Rearranged.particles.blend (820.4 KB)

I tried baking particles but that doesn’t change anything.

Have any of you encountered similar problem?

I am using Cycles to render in Blender 2.9 using Optix. The same happens in 2.83.

I am also sending the file. Could anyone please inspect it and tell me if the same thing happens on your system?

I’ve checked if the animation renders fine in Eevee and it does. Even though the particles are being rearanged in the viewport the scene renders correctly. So, what is going on here? Any ideas?

OK! I guess it’s solved - the problem occured when i tried to render the animation starting from the 1st frame.

The motion blur was set to last 2 frames, so maybe Blender didn’t know what to render before the 1st frame?

When I set the rendering to start on frame 10 it renders as should :smiley: