Im trying to make a cutout box animation , i placed bones and assigned them to their respective faces , but when i move one of the bones to move the face, the whole box is deformed .
What im doing wrong?
Thanks for your help this community is amazing.
From the video it looks as if you have an extra bone selected, when rotating the one bone you intended to adjust.
It’s low-res and hard to read, but I think you just need to deselect the one named “Bone”?
If that’s not it, feel free to upload the file for others to look at. I’d be glad to check it out, as I’ve done this type of setup before.
Wooo thanks a lot for answering , i try deleting the central bone to no effect, dont know what im doing wrong.
Hi , here is the file in mediafire , sorry but the forum doesnt let me upload files yet =(
I hope is not too much trouble .
Incorrect setup.
Invalid relationship setting (link to Bone.001 → Bone.003)
Normal flipped
Modifying Bone.004 Vertex Group Settings
※ Attached is the modified file
armaturebox_X.blend (890.4 KB)
WOOOW, thanks a lot, im trying to reverse engineer this , i get that one of my normals was fliped and the other bone was set up to a vertex and not the face , also i fixed the relationbetween bone i and 3 , but bone 08 and 002 still make a weird bevel that prevent me from closing the box , what could it be?
I think part of the problem is that the armature keeps deforming the whole shape of the faces no matter if they are well linked to the bones , every face i move using the armature drags a little bit of the shape next to it and when its time to close the box , the box its all messed up-
When i just rotate the faces without using the armature , there is no dragging or deformation of the box i it closes well enough
but here in the fixed version i cant close it , its misshapen no matter what
This is the one i used to to make it lol, i think ill watch it again , its kinda hrd because how thick is his accent and how fast he goes.
There’s not enough geo for the bones to work with. The weights overlap, because they’re sharing vertices. The pivot points of your bones also don’t line up with where I think the box segments are supposed to pivot.
does the size of the bone or pivot matters here? do they have to be as big as the face they supose to move?
BOXTest.blend (850.9 KB)
Yes, the pivot points matter, no they don’t necessarily have to be as big as the face.
I did a quick example of what I mean, if you want to take a look at it. It’s not perfect, but I think it gives a better idea than just text.
thanks a lot , this help me understand more
thanks ill try to emulate a little bit to understand the armature , its perfect
Although, you can ignore what I said about adding extra Geometry if you want, to make weights easier. As long as the faces are only bending in one direction(as boxes do), and weights are cleaned up it doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Sorry about that, I’m used to working on characters, where that sort of thing is a bigger issue.
ill just gave it another shot trying the tips you gave me , but something just doesn’t let me bend the faces in the rigth way.
bascoboxed.blend (878.3 KB)
This is a modified file.
It would be nice to be more organized, but I kept it as it was possible without changing.
armaturebox_S.blend (895.8 KB)
What do you mean? Right now you can bend the bones in any way you want, (I locked the axis on my rig example so that I could only bend it the way it was supposed to). One of your big problems is with your weights (everything seems to be weighted to BONE, which is throwing off your deformations). If you look at @oo_1942’s example, you see how the weights are clean, not extending much onto the other faces?
Your weights are more all over the place, and your topology as some N-Gons that make it harder to clean up:
So if you clean up the topology a little (helpful, but probably not strictly speaking necessary):
and adjust the weights to minimize the overlap:
And set your pivot points so they’re exactly on the joint line (yours are much better now, but still a little off)
Everything should bend the way you want it to.
bascoboxed.blend (894.9 KB)
just to be sure, so i need to paint all the weigth in that face?
i dissected a million times your file and i cant find what you did diferent, i repeat again and afain all the steps and i still getting the shape wrong u.u , , i also don understadn why you file looks blue , i guess there are some basics im missing =(