Problem with camera set up

want to ask about problem that I have.
Im trying to set up camera with angle taht shows not only front of the object but top also. When I set up cool angle for it and hit at+ctrl+numpad 0 taht what I got:

the lines are not straight:

Can I fix it and how?

it’s the perspective and you want to correct it, as in architectural photography with a lens with a tilt-shift mechanism or with a view camera;
in blender you can try playing by modifying the inclination of the camera, probably the rotation on the X axis, and the value of ‘shift Y’ in camera properties

or you can use an orthographic camera


Just adjust the settings in two places.

An easier way is to use the Photographer Addon (paid).

Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue - Coding / Released Scripts and Themes - Blender Artists Community

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Look up “orthographic projection” on your camera options.