Problem with cloth simulation (hanging vines)

I’m trying to make some hanging vines that move in the wind. but my (i think every) model has different parts for the the vine itself and different parts for the leaves. and if i pin the end of the vine to a rock and press play, all the leaves fall of the vine, because its not the same mesh/object. is there a way to combat this?!

would parenting the leaves to limbs to trunk work?

It’s actually one mesh/object in the outliner. but in edit mode you can see its different/unconnected meshes.

Make the Sim as simple as possible then build everything else off of that:

e.g. make some simple mesh lines for the cloth sim and pin the top parts:

Add the wind and simulate everything… then make a new curve object and use a GN modifier to add thickness and add the leaf instance:

My leaf object was orientated this way but I’m sure you’ll find something that works for you:

Good luck!


I agree- it will be much easier to run cloth sim on a proxy mesh

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Will check this out!

I tried this and allmost works perfectly but i do get some twitchy leaves. If you look at the vines that hang in a ‘arch’ you can see 'm twitching.

Its not twitching, its rotation around the curve. Twist perhaps is a better word. Stop that excessive freedom of movement around the curve.

Yes that is an issue I’m not having…

Only thing I can think of is that your GN and Cloth sims don’t have their origins at the same point… ideally both should have origin at (0,0,0)

Good luck.