I have a problem with cloth simulation. There are inequalities in the top of the pelery (see image):
I think the problem is the interaction between the pinned vertices, the cloth collision distances, and the collision object {body}
Try starting the cloth at a greater distance from the collision object and reducing the tolerances for the distances involved.
Hope this helps
Thank you for your help but I have a new problem of the same model. The shirt and trousers are cut by cloth (see image):
Please help.
This is the .blend file:
Thanks, it works!
I have a problem with this model again. I added new parts at model and I can not set properly Collision and Cloth. I spent a lot of time without good result. I don’t know what happen. This is the image model in motion:
This is the .blend file:
Can you please post the blend with the armature animation
The version you posted the cloth ‘drapes’ naturally over the mesh
And there are no shape keys so it is a bit tricky to get the right pose
Best regards
I was able to partly solve the problem - I have applied for Armature: Ctrl + A Apply Visual Transform to Pose then I added an animation.:
The result I got is much better but there are irregularities (see Cube.6176 and Plane.8960). I don’t know how to set Cloth for BezierCircle.1010.
I don’t know whether the correction which I did is good (I mean Ctrl + A Apply Visual Transform to Pose). BR. Please help.
This is the. blend file for the model in motion:
I changed settings of Vertex Groups for Plane.8959 and Plane.8960 but there are still errors at Cloth (see image):
This is the corrected .blend file:
I have looked at the model and simulations and I think the problem is that you are mixing armature deformations AND the cloth sim.
The armature deformation is overriding the cloth simulation so the cloth sim is essentially ignored as the armature moves.
Maybe a better approach is to separate the two.
Use the armature deformation to move the pinned vertices
And then leave the cloth sim to drape the cloth correctly
Doing this you’ll need to start the movement in a neutral legs straight and down position.
Then as they move into the stride they will push the cloth as you wanted
Similarly for the other cloth elements, weight pain for the armature deformation, only the pinned vertices
And let the cloth sim handle the way the cloth moves.
Hope this helps