Problem with GLSL shaders on M1 Macs

Whenever I use a script to map some GLSL code onto a texture of any object with the VideoTexture module, I get this the first time it is run:

UNSUPPORTED (log once): POSSIBLE ISSUE: unit 0 GLD_TEXTURE_INDEX_2D is unloadable and bound to sampler type (Float) - using zero texture because texture unloadable

I did some digging online, and it is an M1 issue, not with other computers, which is a shame. There seems to be some workarounds - it says that the texture number (index) has been unloaded and was bound to a sampler type (in this case, float). Apple depreciated openGL in favour of Metal, so would moving to a full Metal release fix this? I hope with the Metal release that this problem disappears, and the bgl module arguments are merged into the GPU module.

What I am actually asking for, is that are there any workarounds for this? My plane just returns as a black object rather than being output as a shader. Nothing is wrong with the GLSL shaders I can write, the GPU does not render the material texture, and returns it as a black plane.