Problem With Legacy Geometry Nodes

Hi Blender Artist Community,

I am in the process of trying to recreate this old geometry nodes setup I made when this system first came out. However, I’ve run across the unfortunate problem where the nodes are no longer the same and named completely differently. Here is a picture of the original nodes and the original names of the undefined.

The original system made this effect. Basically using the perimeter of the empty to create particles across another base object using the collection of objects as particles. Based on proximity it adjusts the scale of the particle. Pretty simple right? Well I can’t figure out what these old legacy nodes are in respect to the new system. How could I build this again and still achieve the same result as in the video.
Cybersentry Transform Geo Nodes.mkv (4.4 MB)
Kaylee J

Use Distribute points on Faces to make the points…


Use the Position read node to do the length math:
(I suggest float curve rather than color-ramp)

You can use the Random Value node to make some random values that you can multiply with the distance calculation… see if you can figure out how to do that.

finally, use the Instance on Points node to put it all together…

This bit of the manual will take 5 minutes to read but you’ll need to experiment for a while to understand what it is telling you. It is a fundamental concept you’ll need to understand if you hope to achieve anything with the current way GN is implemented.

Good luck.


Thanks for the quick response…
Here are the results of the project. Most everything works, except the Particles are more dense or bigger the further away they are from the Empty. I’d like to reverse it if that’s possible. I tried to use a add or multiply node instead of the divide which seems to be causing it but that just does nothing… Here is the node setup as it currently stands.

Thanks for all the help!
Kaylee J


Remember to tick “Reset Children” since it doesn’t look like your instances are on the surface.

Here is my full setup (Using 4.0):

Tip: Press ctrl-h on a node to hide unused sockets.

Good luck.

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Thanks so much! This worked. I did end up modifying the node setup by adding another multiply node but other than that. Looks and acts mostly like the original. Awesome help.

Kaylee J