Problem with multiple materials


I have a problem when working with multiple materials.

I’m trying to work with an animation of an artery in which I have different materials for the interior and exterior parts, while being the same object. When I’m working in object mode or edit mode with the solid method everything looks fine. The problem is that when I render the object, it appears a zone when the material that was supposed to be in the interior of the object is visible on the exterior. This photos will make the problem clearer.

It would be really helpful if someone knew how to solve this problem, as it is for a university project.
Thank you!

Insufficient information, no example .blend file supplied for review !!

Oh! I’m sorry about that. This is a link to the .blend file:

Thanks again!

The issue is caused by the textures you are using.
Tex.002 is set to influence the Displace value so it is altering the mesh geometry, pushing part of it inwards exposing the other part of the mesh with the different texture

It worked perfectly. Thank you