Problem with remesh

I am modeling a sword as you can see, and I need to sculpt some details. But when I activated the remesh tool on sculpt mode, the result was this weird mesh… Can some one help me? I tried to reproduce this issue again with another cube, but without success…



If you’re just looking to add some surface details, don’t use the re-meshing tools as it’s going to completely destroy your mesh… Simply use Multires and preserve your topology :slight_smile:

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You said a sword and I thought it was a happy banana. Lol.

Yes, like @Magnavis said, the best is to use the multiressolution modifier to preserve your mesh topology. But don’t get too crazy about the details, cause multirresolution also has it’s limitations.

In some cases you need to decide if it compensates to use dyntopo to have more detail in different levels of your mesh, but be aware that dyntopo destroys your original topology, so if you want to test what’s the best for you, keep always a copy of your object.


Sorry @jpgaelzer, but i had to do this to get it out of my head :wink: this days, weeks, month are unfunny enough :

And now i’m looking on the second picture and… nooooooo …


The birth of a character. <3

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Almost that! ahahahahaha

I think I got it… Something was wrong with the blade (the banana! ahaa). I fixed some vertices and improved it a bit. Even multires wasn´t working. Now I was able to work in some details. Thanks for help!