Im quite new to blender. Just finish my first model in blender and following tutorial to rig using rigify. All when well accept when i try to move hand and feet, the rig can move more that the mesh causing it to stretch. So hard to find a good term to explain…picture may help…the bone can move out side chain. Thanks
If you highlight the ik control and press n to have the right tool bar open under properties there is an option for stretchy IK which is enabled by default if you set it to 0 it wont stretch
As a side note, if you turn IK Stretch to a low value, .o1, it will help with knee “pops”. The stretching will be almost imperceptible but the knees will not pop when you straighten the leg.
Ok…im try rigging other character for exercise, but now when im turning IK to 1, the bone wont rotate anymore. Pictures tell better.(Model from Silkroad Online, not made by me for learning purpose).Moving the palm bone(?) with move the hand, but rotating bone dont work. Please help.Thanks